The Feb® Rendamix by Everbuild is a fantastic product designed to increase the resilience of the mortar, providing it with water-resilient properties. It's also retarding, allowing more time to modify the application further. The Feb® Rendamix also increases the spread of the formula with it compliant with BS 4887.
Overall, it's an excellent admixture for exterior or above-ground cementitious render finishes, such as dashing, harling, roughcast and internally after installation of injection DPC's.
When looking to apply the Rendamix, ensure that you have prepared the surface prior. You need to check that the surface is sound and not contaminated with substances that can hinder the product, including removing any existing coats on the surface. If the surface is highly porous, a thick cement and SBR admixture slurry will work perfectly to prepare the surface; when finished, you can begin applying the Rendamix, as it should be applied wet on wet.