This One Hit Wonder Lightweight Filler is perfect for application inside and out, with its compound formula delivering ease of application in difficult areas like ceilings. It effectively fills large holes in a single application, offering a non-slumping shrink-resisting finish, guaranteeing less wasted filler.
This product comes ready to use, perfect to be applied on plaster, concrete, brick, wood and stone. Irrespective of your prior experience applying a filler, this product offers a simple-to-use application that anybody can complete.
Prepare the surfaces before application, remove any present contaminants like grease, oil, and dust; wipe clean and dry the surface.
- Mix the product before use, if it's too dry, apply a small amount of water and mix again.
- Apply directly to the application area, ensuring you fill the gap/hole.
- Once applied, smooth the surface with a wetted pallet knife.
- Remove any excess materials and allow to dry for 15 minutes (This depends on the temperature of the room, the size of the gap and the depth)