Easy-Trim's Dry Ridge F System is an easy-to-install, mortar-free roof system that safely protects your roof's ridge whilst providing up to 5mm of ventilation. This system, instead of wet-fixing, it's dry-fixed using mechanical fixings, including plastic unions, ratchet clips, screws and nails. The Dry Ridge System has been in the market for about two decades but has soared to the forefront in the last decade. It's cheaper, lighter and therefore easier to transport to the site and onto the roof.
Components of the Dry Ridge F System;
- 7 x Unions
- 5 x Batten Straps
- 7 x Centre Clips
- 14 x Outer Ratchet Clips
- 7 x Screws
- 25 x Nails (approx)
- Concrete Ridge Tiles
- Half-round and angled ridge tiles
- Hips - A hip kit is required with the Dry Fix F System.
Roof's Pitch;
- Suitable for 15° to 45°