Hambleside Danelaw's Double Plain Tile Vent (TV10/5) is easy to install and has an optional adaptor for pipe connection making it a great option for many roofs that utilise concrete and plain tiles.
With its innovative formula, the back of the tile vent is created from up to 70% recycled PPC. Hambleside Danelaw delivers outstanding roof tile vents that fix in flush, offering all the positives of the air vent without any negatives. Crafted to replace one tile, it can complete a roofscape flawlessly, no matter if the roof is flat or profiled, Hambleside Danelaw achieves perfection.
The benefits of using a Hambleside Danelaw roof vent are that it can provide high or low-level roof space ventilation, soil ventilation and mechanical extraction, supporting the pipes and preventing foul odours from lingering.