The Hardwood Garden Furniture Restorer by Ronseal's is a unique-formulated product that delivers restoration for your hardwood garden furniture. Safe for pets and plants, this formula provides outstanding properties without harmful toxic effects. The application is simple, with a gel-like formula; you can apply it to the surface, which only takes up to 15 minutes to activate.
To prepare the surface for restoration, you should use a stiff bristle brush to remove any dirt on the surface, and if you have mould, fungi, or algae present, you should apply a garden furniture cleaner to remove it. If you have coatings on the surface, such as stains or varnish, you'll need to use a furniture stripper to remove it. After doing all this, ensure the surface is completely dry before restoring.
- Stir the tin thoroughly, ensuring the consistency of the restorer is smooth.
- Using a brush, lather it in restorer and apply it to the entire surface.
- Using a stiff bristle brush, scrub the restorer, working it into the surface.
- Allow up to 15 minutes for the restorer to activate. Don't let it dry out; otherwise, you must apply another coat.
- After 15 minutes, hose down the restorer off the surface and review the changes; if you feel it could do with another coat, apply it and follow the same steps as before.
- After you're happy with the results, allow a day or two before applying any stains or oils to the surface.
Any spillages onto clothes, skin or brushes can be cleaned using warm, soapy water. It's not advised to leave the surface without applying anything else, and if you leave it bare, you risk the chance of rot or greying due to sunlight.