The Hairline Crack Smooth Finish Fillers by Ronseal delivers everything you'll need when filling gaps. Whether you are a novice D.I.Yer filling in small cracks whilst redecorating or a competent tradesperson out about needing a quick product, this filler is the one to go to. Its formula delivers excellent resistance to the environment, and with an inability to shrink or crack, you can be confident in a long-lasting application.
It is essential to prepare the surface before commencing the application; otherwise, you'll not achieve optimal results. Complete the preparation by thoroughly cleaning the surface and removing any contaminants that can hinder the adhesion of the product.
- Extrude the formula directly from the tube firmly into the hole or crack.
- When applying, ensure you apply enough so it protrudes out slightly from the surface, allowing you to sand it down to a smooth finish.
- Before it dries, you should push the filler in with a smooth knife, which will help ensure it reaches every corner in the gap.
You'll be able to proceed with any decoration after 1-2 hours, and you'll know when it's ready as the formula will cure into a hard surface.