The Flue Jointing Compound by Everbuild is an excellent product that has one purpose, and that's for jointing metal flues. With decades of advancements in central heating for homes, fireplaces and flues have become redundant, and filling them to save on the energy bill has become a popular option. This product achieves that purpose easily with its unique composite utilising its non-setting property, which accommodates movement, preventing cracking, splitting, etc. This product can also use low-pressure air ducts and chase pipes through the brickwork.
To achieve optimal adhesive results, ensure all surfaces are free from contaminants such as dirt, dust, rust, soot, loose debris, etc.
- This product is ready-mixed and should be applied directly from the tub.
- Using either a hand or putting knife, work it well into the joint and completely fill it.
- When connecting flue pipes, wrap glass fibre rope around the spigot end before inserting it to facilitate a tighter joint.
Limitations and Notes
- Do not use externally or when rain is imminent or on damp surfaces
- Do not alter the consistency of the product
- Do not use in excess of 200°C